For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Fur
Physical characteristics - Location
long: 9.01419 lat : 56.82709
Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84
long: 9°0'51.0732 lat : 56°49'37.5168
Surface area:
22.9 km2 (0.06 x Isle of Wight)
Length coastline:
26.1 km
Average height:
15.5 metre
Length island:
7.2 km
Maximum width island (estimate):
5.7 km
Name :
Lille Jenshøj (0 metre)
Orientation island:
Southwest - Northeast
Demographic data island
Number of inhabitants:
Population density:
39.55 inh/km2
Important places (direction):
Naming - Location
Local native name:
Archipelago (island group):
Neighboring islands (Island hopping):
1) Mors 4.9 km NorthWest 2) Vendsyssel-Thy 16 km North 3) Læsø 117.9 km EastNorthEast 4) Samsø 129.5 km SouthEast 5) Endelave 137.8 km SouthEast 6) Funen 147 km SouthSouthEast 7) Anholt 149 km East 8) Fanø 152.6 km SouthSouthWest 9) Sejerø 159.7 km SouthEast 10) Seeland 163.3 km EastSouthEast 11) Mandø 168.7 km South 12) Bågø 170.9 km SouthSouthEast 13) Rømø 179.1 km South 14) Marstrandsön 188.8 km NorthEast 15) Koön 190.1 km NorthEast 16) Tjörn 192.8 km NorthEast 17) Als 196 km SouthSouthEast 18) Sylt 197.1 km South 19) Orust 198 km NorthEast 20) Orø 203.4 km EastSouthEast 21) Lyø 205.4 km SouthSouthEast 22) Hidra 205.7 km NorthWest 23) Ærø 216.5 km SouthSouthEast 24) Hallands Väderö 216.5 km East 25) Langeland 218 km SouthEast