For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Ivö
Physical characteristics - Location
long: 14.40838 lat : 56.11113
Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84
long: 14°24'30.1752 lat : 56°6'40.0608
Surface area:
13.6 km2 (0.036 x Isle of Wight)
Length coastline:
24.4 km
Average height:
27 metre
Length island:
7.4 km
Maximum width island (estimate):
3.7 km
Name :
Ivö klack (0 metre)
Orientation island:
North - South
Demographic data island
Number of inhabitants:
Population density:
14.11 inh/km2
Important places (direction):
Ivö (W)
Naming - Location
Local native name:
Archipelago (island group):
Neighboring islands (Island hopping):
1) Hanö 25.9 km EastSouthEast 2) Aspö 66.9 km East 3) Sturkö 74.4 km East 4) Utlängan 83.5 km East 5) Bornholm 89.5 km SouthSouthEast 6) Bolmsö 93.2 km NorthNorthWest 7) Ven 105.3 km West 8) Seeland 109.6 km West 9) Saltholm 111 km WestSouthWest 10) Hallands Väderö 116.9 km WestNorthWest 11) Amager 118.1 km WestSouthWest 12) Öland 122 km East 13) Orø 162 km West 14) Rügen 167.6 km SouthSouthWest 15) Møn 168.2 km SouthWest 16) Nyord 177.4 km SouthWest 17) Anholt 180.9 km WestNorthWest 18) Bogø 194.4 km SouthWest 19) Falster 195.9 km SouthWest 20) Sejerø 198.7 km West 21) Visingsö 206.5 km North 22) Lolland 214.8 km SouthWest 23) Usedom 215.8 km South 24) Femø 216.8 km SouthWest 25) Agersø 222 km WestSouthWest