island Saaremaa
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For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Saaremaa
Physical characteristics - Location Coordinates: long: 22.52637 lat : 58.38176 Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84 long: 22°31'3.4914 lat : 58°22'54.3468 Surface area: 2659.6 km2 (7.004 x Isle of Wight) Length coastline: 878.2 km Average height: 19 metre Length island: 115 km Maximum width island (estimate): 60 km Name : Viidumägi (54 metre) Orientation island: Southwest - Northeast
Demographic data island Habited: Yes Number of inhabitants: 31357 Population density: 11.70 inh/km2 Important places (direction): Orissaare vald (NNO), Valjala, Karja, Pöide, Kaarma
Naming - Location
Relief: Height Classes in percentages
Relief: Slope Classes in percentages
Weather at Saaremaa
The weather type in Kuressaare overcast clouds Current temperature: 1 degrees Celcius
Precipitation last 3 hours: No precipitation Wind: 7.2 meter per second (Wind force - bft 4)
Winddirection: South Atmospheric pressure: 1005 mb
Humidity: 97 %
Daylength at 23 January 2025: 7 hour and 37 minutes Sunrise: 07:53 Europe/Amsterdam Sunset: 15:29 Europe/Amsterdam
Weather-page: Saaremaa
The weather for the next few hours
Kuressaare - EE (longitude: 22.5264, latitude: 58.3818) Distance weather station to the center island (direction N): 14.55 km22:00 2 degrees Celcius 1004 mbar overcast clouds 1:00 1 degrees Celcius 1003 mbar overcast clouds 4:00 3 degrees Celcius 1004 mbar snow 7:00 3 degrees Celcius 1007 mbar light rain 10:00 4 degrees Celcius 1008 mbar overcast clouds
Climate: Temperature and Precipitation
Transport on your island-holiday Directly accessible from Western Europe (The Netherlands) by plane: No International airport present : No Accessible by car: Yes Distance from Western Europe (The Netherlands) (rough estimate): 1699 km Ferry connection - Car - Car - with mainland: Yes Boat Connection - pedestrian - with mainland: Yes Ferry - Car - connect with another island - Island hopping: Yes Boat Connection - pedestrian - with another island: Yes Bicycle facilities: Yes
island-Island, island-Tourism - island-attractions
island accommodation: Hotel ,Holiday Home, Camping Hotel
Hotel at Saaremaa
Camping 1) Karujarve 2) Mandjala Camping 3) Tehumardi Holiday Home Bed & Breakfast accommodation-page Saaremaa
Social media - Multimedia
Videos youtube Saaremaa
Photos (Flickr) of the place Saaremaa
Bings maps Saaremaa
Mapquest Saaremaa Saaremaa
Landuse Saaremaa
1436.1 km2
320.1 km2
744.1 km2
Wet nature
103.4 km2
14.1 km2
Urban area
24.4 km2
2.3 km2
0.3 km2
Rock outcrop
14.9 km2